Thirteen Things I'm Grateful For:
1. My health-there are so many people my age and my weight who are unable to care for themselves, have lost their self-esteem or will to live. I'm grateful that I'm blessed with a reasonable portion of health and strength.
2. My family-most of us have already made it. Still waiting for the baby brother and sister and the last niece and nephew. We'll all be here to laugh, remember our loved ones who have gone on ahead, and make new memories together.
3. My friends-all of them. From the crazy to the not so normal. From the drama queens & kings to the rationally inclined. For every one of them that allow me to be a part of their lives.
4. My country-"And say does that star-spangled banner yet wave over the land of the free and the home of the brave?" There ain't no doubt I love this land. God bless the U.S.A.
5. I have my mother here to cook her famous jalepeno dressing! You can't imagine how good this stuff is!
6. Cyber Monday-because this year I'm armed with a new notebook, high speed Internet and a bonus. Look out Target, you have a Canon digital camera with my name all over it.
7. The NFL-because this year they're televising more than one game. I'm trembling just thinking about it!
8. My fortune (blessings)-"It could have been me outdoors, with no food and no clothes. Or just alone without a friend or just another number with a tragic end. But You didn't see fit to let any of these things be 'cause everyday by Your power You keep on blessing me. I have to say, Thank You, Lord for all You've done for me!"
9. My job-even though we keep being reengineered and downsized, it still pays the bills and provides benefits.
10. Buying music online-there's no greater high than finding older Gospel music along with newer Gospel music and being able to download it w/i minutes.
11. Realizing the power of me-I'm smart, I'm educated, I'm fashionable, I'm easy to get along with and I'm good-natured. Who wouldn't love me? Oh, forgot to mention I'm modest too.
12. My new online community-Barb, Pea, Kiyotoe, Blu, Sicka, Afronerd, Bob, and other sites I read daily.
13. That after having peeled and diced ten lbs of sweet potatoes, ten lbs of white potatoes, chopping three large stalks of celery, peeling three dozen shrimp, chopping and dicing six jalepenos, my part of the cooking IS DONE! Bring on the football, turkey and dressing, green beans and potatoes and let's bless this food! Thank You, God!!