It's probably evident from my lack of posts this month that I've been away from my posting duties. I'll give you a recap of some of the events in my little bitty part of the world in my small, full life.
I've accepted a position in my company that's a lot more challenging. I had to be coaxed to leave my comfortable position and join this new team that the two previous leaders unsuccessfully led. I'm not sure what type of change I can bring about but I'm going to give it the college try.
Joining the team, leaving my team, moving desks, changing my work schedule has impacted my sleep, meal and bathroom schedules. And while it should be an easy thing to accomplish, training my body to a new bathroom schedule has been difficult and humourous.
My mother has developed a skin condition that is worrying us silly, especially because she refuses to go to the doctor. Someone, tell me how one of the smartest, most sensible-thinkers in the world suddenly develops a fear so intense that she'd rather allow this thing that could probably have been contained w/medication almost encompass her whole chest area? My mother has never shown the fear that she's shown this past month. And no matter how much I've ridiculed, cried, teased, threatened or bargained, she didn't budge. Finally, miraculously, she has made an appt w/her doctor next week.
Without giving too much information, one of the members of my new team was viciously attacked and murdered by her husband. It appears the couple had been having troubles and had divorced and remarried only to end in this tragic way. So imagine coming to a new team and this happening. Think of all the stuff I had to contend with.
On a positive note, I've been able to spend more time with my niece and nephew! This has been the highlight of my month. We've baked brownies (they were horrible), gone to the park, shopped, visited and had fun!! There's nothing like being able to walk away from confusion and fragmented relationships to come home to two beautiful children and a peaceful home life.
So, as Melon commented in the previous post, I'm thankful that even though my Thanksgiving meal was spent away from most of my family, my mother is still here, my brother is in a peaceful relationship, I was able to see my niece and nephew again this weekend, and I have my health and strength. And that's enough, right?